Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thankful For The Damn Distance

I was talking to miss Megan Reah the other night and I realized something. 
I am so thankful for the 2,000 miles that keep Curly and I apart. 

When you are in a long distance relationship 
you don't miss the person just with your heart. 
You miss them with your entire being
The first few weeks everything aches 
as if you've just ran a marathon after not sleeping for 3 days.
Then you go into the uncomfortable phase for a few weeks, where nothing feels right. 
At all times you can feel something missing, 
you know exactly what it is but there is nothing you can do about it. 
Then after abut 4-6 weeks comes the numb that all long distance-ers know and love
When your body is unpleasently numb. 
It is the weirdest most empty feeling I have ever felt.

Megan and I finally decided that we should, in a way, be thankful for all this. 
It is because of all this that each time we get to see our men it feels like our birthdays.
Every time that we go to sleep knowing we will see them the next day, 
it is like going to sleep Christmas eve, only better.
Every hour, minute, and second with them is filled with more love
warmth, and joy than words can even begin to describe.

Basically what I am trying to say is, 
no matter your situation, 
be thankful.
Be thankful for the ones you love, 
be them family, friends, or a significant other.
Try to treat each moment with them
like the precious gift that it is. 

"The most important thing in life
is to learn how to give out love, 
and to let it come in"
-Morrie Schwartz 

1 comment:

  1. "When you are in a long distance relationship
    you don't miss the person just with your heart.
    You miss them with your entire being.
    The first few weeks everything aches
    as if you've just ran a marathon after not sleeping for 3 days.
    Then you go into the uncomfortable phase for a few weeks, where nothing feels right.
    At all times you can feel something missing,
    you know exactly what it is but there is nothing you can do about it.
    Then after abut 4-6 weeks comes the numb that all long distance-ers know and love"

    ..This is so true... reading this has brought back so many memories I've forgotten about and kept in the dark.. like the thousand of letters I kept in shoe boxes hidden in the deepest part of my closet...Like an addict without an addiction, the withdrawals of not having your loved one near was... truly ... nightmarish.. the stages are correct and they hurt and a day felt like a month. why time chose to go by so slow, I dont know..I was really bad when Tim left.. I couldnt breath for about a couple of months.. I was like a wandering ghost and the void nothing could fill.. I remember very well that I lost all of my friends..even my family thought I went mad..... I hope it goes by faster you you then it did for me. And I do with you the best!!
