Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's Ok!!

This Thursday I've decided that I need to remind myself that "It's Ok"

  • It's ok that I am THIS excited to welcome my new subscribers! (Seriously, so glad I've met so many new people in the last few weeks! I went from 6 to 24, which to me feels like quite the following, so thank you all! Can't wait to continue to get to know you!!)  
  • It's ok that I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with a few of you guys, because it's so nice to have a group of people to talk to who really get it
  • It's ok that I am writing this right now while my mom is in town, because she is napping next to me. I think that still counts as bonding time, right?
  • It's ok that I get a little jealous of people who never do long distance, or who do long distance shorter than I have and will continue to do. 
  • It's ok that I get jealous of people who are engaged because they are actually together all the time, when they have still been dating for less time than Jonathan and I have. All this is despite the fact that Jonathan and I have talked, and want to wait a bit longer to get engaged to help avoid being another statistic, not at all to imply that all young/military relationships won't work out <3 (seriously... feels like this happens every day)
  • It's ok that I'm not signed up for any classes right now, because as of Monday I will be signed up for all of them. 
  • It's ok that I have not lost my stress weight from the last year yet, because once school starts again, so does my free gym membership. (gotta love the Rec. Center on campus!) 
  • It's ok that this is my second blog today, it's not like this is the first time that's happened. 
  • It's ok that I sent Jonathan this picture, and said "For when we see each other in five months and pee our pants form excitement." it's just one of my many charms that he (hopefully) loves about me. 


    1. I haven't signed up for classes yet either! And I'm waiting until the week before classes start to do so haha. Oops!

      1. Hahaha! Are you as weirded out by it as I am? Kinda freaks me out, but apparently it's "normal" to be in my position for the Credential Program at my school.

    2. YAY for quadrupling your followers!

      And, boy, do I remember that jealousy of engaged (& married) couples and especially dating couples that got to see each other all the time. Daniel and I only dated for 6 months before we got engaged, but those 6 months were all long distance (CO to NC!), as were the 7 months he was in Iraq plus another 6 or so months for training beforehand and exit classes afterward. I admire you both so much for sticking to what's right, even if it isn't what's easy - your relationship is really going to benefit from that!

      I hope you have a good time with your mom! Naps totally count as bonding time. :-)

      1. Becky, considering I look up to you quite a lot this comment made me feel so much better! You're so sweet to share that you felt the same way. You're right too, it's not easier to do this, but it is better for our relationship. I forget that some times. <3 you're wonderful!!

    3. Hahahaha!!!Love the last one! you have a cute blog! Thanks for sweet comment on my blog:)

    4. Replies
      1. Aww thank you hun! Hugs right back at you!
