Monday, August 13, 2012

A Is For Awesome

Today was "A-Day!" 
If you're wondering what on earth I'm talking about, 
read this blog and it will explain everything. 

The day was a strange mixture of a success yet, a touch of fail. 
The fail came by the fact that I randomly got sic, 
and by sic I mean barfed four times. 
Uh yeah, not fun. 
But on to the success of the day! 

I woke up and started the day by going to the gym
I partook in Aerobics, worked my Abs and my A$$
Then I made my way home so I could shower and get ready for 
the Apple Fair
yes that's right, we have an annual apple fair. 
Perfect timing right? 

I went to the fair and after getting sic, and feeling much better
I had some Alcohol in the form of Ace, Apple Cider
I walked around the Art exhibit. 
I bought some Apples, and then made my way home.

Once home I made some home made Apple Sauce 
while watching Atonement
I always forget how amazing that movie is. 
After that I went to dinner and ate some Appetizers
Now I am going to join my room mate, Aaron for a hangout sesh before bed.

That brings my total points to 13. 
Not bad for my first letter themed day. 


  1. that is an A.wesome day! love this idea and I'm so jealous! I'd LOVE to go to an apple fair! amazing!

  2. hey lady! you're so sweet, I nominated you for the Liebster blog award! see here:

    much love.

    1. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! You're the best! <3 <3
